Thor: Ragnarok

Such a great movie to watch. I've already written a review of what I like about the movie on my Instagram so I'm not gonna bother repeating myself here. A movie I genuinely liked watching after a very long time, hope to see more like it in the future.

On a side note, I'm glad for whatever happened this time around with X. I feel like I've finally woken up to some things and am starting to see truths more clearly, and for the better.

On another side note, I feel like my writing has somewhat improved. Writing all these college essays may just be coming in handy. I just hope I am able to write my research paper in time and am able to submit it for the AdComs to review and take into consideration for my admission. The deadlines were on the 15th, it's the 26th... Not sure how far I can stretch it but hopefully it all works out.


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